
Satu Hari Menjadi Mensos, Tri Rismaharini Ungkap Akan Hapus Semua BLT

 The recently appointed Social Minister, Tri Rismaharini, carried out the handover of the position from Muhadjir Efendy to himself on Wednesday, December 24, 2020.

The recently appointed Social Minister, Tri Rismaharini, carried out the handover of the position from Muhadjir Efendy to himself on Wednesday, December 24, 2020.  In her remarks delivered by Mrs. Risma at the inauguration, the woman who previously served as Mayor of Surabaya said that she would make improvements to the data on aid receipts.  Delivered by Risma, in improving the data, he will cooperate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in the population division.  "To update the data on aid recipients because there is definitely a difference, because today it is updated, maybe today someone died, and moved, and so on," said Risma in her statement on Wednesday, December 24, 2020, as quoted by Detik,  On the other hand, there is one statement by Tri Rismaharini that shocked the public because he intends to remove all types of direct cash assistance.  However, he said, this BLT would be replaced with a digital assistance system or online transactions.  "There will be no more cash or cash in any form, but we will use all transactions electronically," he said,  he explained, the reason for the change, providing this assistance was a data improvement report that Cipta could do and see as effectively as possible.  "Regarding data correction, we can immediately do it. Thus the right will be achieved soon. I think so," said Mrs. Risma ending her press statement.  To note, Tri Rismaharini was chosen as Minister of Social Affairs by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, replacing the previous minister, namely Juliari Peter Batubara.  Juliari has been removed from his position as Minister of Social Affairs due to being caught in a corruption case, corruption of social assistance funds / (bansos) and has now been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)  Meanwhile, Tri Rismaharini became one of the six new ministers appointed by the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, in the Indonesia Maju cabinet reshuffle.  Another new minister is Sandiaga Uno as Minister of Tourism and Economy. {(Menparekraf) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas as Minister of Religion, Budi Gunadi Sadiki as Minister of Health, Wahyu Sakti Trenggono as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and M Lutfi as Minister of Trade.

In her remarks delivered by Mrs. Risma at the inauguration, the woman who previously served as Mayor of Surabaya said that she would make improvements to the data on aid receipts.

Delivered by Risma, in improving the data, he will cooperate with the Ministry of Home Affairs in the population division.

"To update the data on aid recipients because there is definitely a difference, because today it is updated, maybe today someone died, and moved, and so on," said Risma in her statement on Wednesday, December 24, 2020, as quoted by Detik,

On the other hand, there is one statement by Tri Rismaharini that shocked the public because he intends to remove all types of direct cash assistance.

However, he said, this BLT would be replaced with a digital assistance system or online transactions.

"There will be no more cash or cash in any form, but we will use all transactions electronically," he said,

he explained, the reason for the change, providing this assistance was a data improvement report that Cipta could do and see as effectively as possible.

"Regarding data correction, we can immediately do it. Thus the right will be achieved soon. I think so," said Mrs. Risma ending her press statement.

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To note, Tri Rismaharini was chosen as Minister of Social Affairs by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, replacing the previous minister, namely Juliari Peter Batubara.

Juliari has been removed from his position as Minister of Social Affairs due to being caught in a corruption case, corruption of social assistance funds / (bansos) and has now been named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)

Meanwhile, Tri Rismaharini became one of the six new ministers appointed by the president of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, in the Indonesia Maju cabinet reshuffle.
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Another new minister is Sandiaga Uno as Minister of Tourism and Economy. {(Menparekraf) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas as Minister of Religion, Budi Gunadi Sadiki as Minister of Health, Wahyu Sakti Trenggono as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and M Lutfi as Minister of Trade.
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